Thanks for purchasing a place at our concert at St Peters on the Canal. Your PayPal email is your ticket. Hope you enjoy the concert.

L’Esperance Mandolin Ensemble is offering a free private mandolin lesson for anyone interested in trying out our instrument.

Explore your musical gift and learn how you can make music with welcoming musicians from all backgrounds and all ages.

Are you a guitarist or know a guitarist? Mandolins and guitars are perfect musical companions.

Call Joshua Bell at 401-345-6930 or fill out the form below to reserve a time and an instrument if you don’t already have one.

Check out our online mandolin method. 
Just arrived! Our new CD. Water of Life — Uisge Beatha
Try Your Pluck

All responses will be kept confidential. Your information will only be used to reserve an instrument and a time for you and to inform you in case of a weather related postponement.