The key of G is the magic key on the mandolin first form scales on the G and D strings and second form scales on the A string and the E string. Not surprisingly, music for the mandolin often uses this key. 1-1-2-2 refers to the order of the forms on the G-D-A and E strings. You can recognize the Key of G because there’s only one sharp in the key signature.
Here are some great tunes that all use the key of G. The Temperance Reel is a great Celtic favorite that uses the D, A and E strings.
Temperance Reel 1-2-2 (printable)
Temperance Reel 1-2-2 (playable)
The Flowers of Edinburg first appeared in James Oswald’s Curious Collection of Scots Tunes, under the title “My Love’s bonny when she smiles on me.” It is suggested that the Flowers in the title refer to Edinburgh’s ladies of the night, other sources think the title refers to the “flowery” scent of Edinburgh’s chamber pots. Either way this lovely tune is often used for Scottish Morris dances.
Flowers of Edinborough (printable)
Flowers of Edinborough (playable)
Sally in the Garden is an old Appalachian tune often know as Hog-Eyed Man, with often humorous lyrics. This version is played on the G, D and A strings.
Sally in the Garden 1-1-2 k-G (printable)
Sally in the Garden 1-1-2 k-G (playable)